Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



  1. Bezzaoui, I., Fegert, J., & Weinhardt, C. (2022). Distinguishing Between Truth and Fake: Using Explainable AI to Understand and Combat Online Disinformation. The 16th International Conference on Digital Society. 16th International Conference on Digital Society.
  2. Bezzaoui, I., Fegert, J., & Weinhardt, C. (2022). Truth or Fake? Developing a Taxonomical Framework for the Textual Detection of Online Disinformation. International journal on advances in internet technology, 15(3/4), 53.
  3. Liu, J., Thoma,S. (2022). German to English: Fake News Detection with Machine Translation. In Gesellschaft für Informatik (ed.) Lecture Notes on Informatics (LNI). Bonn.
  4. Ashraf, S.; Bezzaoui, I.; Andone, I.; Markowetz, A.; Fegert, J.; Flek, L. (2024). DeFaktS: A German Dataset for Fine-Grained Disinformation Detection through Social Media Framing. Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024).